Mangal Shanti Puja Timings, Cost, and Benefits

Mangal Shanti Puja, a sacred ritual designed to appease the fiery planet and bring balance to your life.

The Red Planet’s Influence

In Vedic astrology, Mars, known as Mangal, holds significant sway over our lives. It’s associated with:

  • Energy and vitality
  • Courage and confidence
  • Aggression and conflicts
  • Real estate and property

When Mars Causes Trouble

Sometimes, Mars’ position in one’s birth chart can lead to challenges:

  • Delays in marriage
  • Conflicts in relationships
  • Financial setbacks
  • Health issues, especially related to blood or injuries

Mangal Shanti Puja

Mangal Shanti Puja is a ritualistic worship aimed at pacifying Mars’ potentially disruptive influence and channeling its positive aspects.

Core Components of the Puja

  1. Invocation of Lord Hanuman (Mars’ celestial representative)
  2. Recitation of specific mantras
  3. Offerings of red flowers, sweets, and vermillion
  4. Lighting of a ghee lamp

Timing Matters

The puja is typically performed on:

  • Tuesdays (Mars’ day)
  • During the Mangal Hora (Mars hour)
  • When Mars is exalted in the sky

Performing Mangal Puja: A Step-by-Step Guide


  1. Clean the puja area
  2. Gather necessary items: red cloth, red flowers, sweets, vermillion, ghee lamp
  3. Take a bath and wear clean, preferably red, clothes

The Ritual

  1. Begin with a prayer to Lord Ganesha
  2. Light the ghee lamp
  3. Invoke Lord Hanuman and Mars
  4. Recite the Mangal Beej Mantra: “Om Ang Angarakaya Namah”
  5. Offer flowers, sweets, and vermillion
  6. Perform aarti (circling of the lit lamp)
  7. Conclude with a prayer for peace and harmony

Benefits of Mangal Shanti Puja

Regular performance of this puja is believed to:

  • Mitigate conflicts in personal and professional life
  • Boost confidence and courage
  • Improve decision-making abilities
  • Enhance overall well-being

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