Shiv Parivar Puja: Benefits, Cost, and Procedure

Shiv Parivar Puja: Benefits, Cost, and Procedure. Pooja location, contact, and booking.

Shiva is a Hindu deity revered for being the destroyer and transformer of evil. Shiva’s divine family is collectively called the Shiv Parivar. It includes his consort Goddess Parvati and their sons Lord Ganesha and Lord Kartikeya, as well as other celestials. Shiv Parivar Puja, a sacred ritual, invokes protection, blessings, and prosperity from the divine family.

Shiv Parivar puja details

Shiva Parivar Puja refers to the puja performed as a form of reverence for Lord Shiva and his family. Shiva Parivar comprises Lord Shiva, Parvati, and their two sons, Lord Karthikeya (Murugan and Skand), Lord Ganesha, and Nandi Ji, who are the gatekeepers and vehicles for Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva: This is an aspect of the Supreme Being. He is conscious and lives in humans’ conscious minds. Lord Shiva protects his worshippers against greed, lust, and other vices. He is the God of Destruction and destroys evils both inside and outside.
Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva, is revered in all her manifestations. She represents the mind and lives in people’s hearts and minds. She is the Mother of the Universe and, therefore, holds a great sense of reverence for all.

God Karthikeya: The elder brother and son of Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, and Parvati. He is the commander of the Devas. Skandamata is another name for him. He has six heads. Parvati holds her on her lap and is known as Skand. Murugan is his name in south India, where he is revered.
God Ganesha: Lord Ganesha is the most revered Hindu god. His blessings are responsible for all auspicious events. He is God’s auspiciousness. He is the God of elephants with ears and trunks. He is a god of intellect and wisdom. He is a god of prosperity and good fortune for everyone.

Lord Nandi: Lord Nandi, the gatekeeper of Kailash, is Lord Shiva’s vehicle. God can hear all the thoughts in Nandi’s mind or heart. Outside the Shiva temple, there is a Nandi statue. According to the belief, they reach God Shiva directly if you speak your wishes into Nandi’s ear.

Shiv Parivar Puja Benefits

  • Shiva Parivar Puja is performed to gain the divine blessings of Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati, Lord Karthikeya, and God Ganesha.
  • This puja is performed to bring health and prosperity to all-around prosperity.
  • Puja is performed for family harmony and peace of life.
  • Perform the Shiva Parivar Puja for spiritual upliftment.
  • Shiva Parivar Puja is a powerful tool for achieving all your life goals.
  • Praying to Goddess Parvati and performing this puja will bring marital bliss to the worshippers.
  • Perform this puja to get a better career and high marks in exams.
  • Praying to Nandi while performing the Shiva Parivar Puja will inspire us to be hard-working and motivated.


Shiv Parivar Puja is a sacred ritual that connects us to the divine powers that rule the universe. We seek protection, prosperity, and purification through our prayers to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

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